Congratulations on completing the first Quarter of Health 08-09! Your Calorie Counting project is complete and your grades will be available to view this Friday. Remember, however, that while a report will be created and discussed at Parent-Teacher Conferences, your Health grade is continuously measured throughout the Semester, so don't get too comfortable just yet!
If you find that you need some extra help in improving your Health grade, please consider Project Active, which we have discussed several times in class (as the Running Project). Here is what you will need to do:
1) Choose light cardiovascular (heart and respiration-focused) exercises to engage in. These include swimming, running, jogging, jump-roping, etc.
2) Take part in them for 10 minutes a day, 3 days a week.
3) Create a record of your activity, similar in structure to the Calorie Counting Project, but with the following information:
- Date
- Activity
- Duration
- Distance (when applicable)
This will be worth 100 points of extra credit if complete and structured properly. And remember, even if you miss a day or a week, keep up the documentation--you can get partial extra credit for whatever you do!
If you have any questions, please let me know.